Resources, links and programs to help introduce children to programming.
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Long list of programs This area is for information on computer books and software to help children learn about computers, programming, and creating multimedia programs.
Scratch Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art – and share your creations on the web.
Alice Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web.
KTurtle KDE (Linux) The programming language used in KTurtle is loosly based on
Jurtle Jurtle is an integrated programming environment designed for people who want to learn programming in Java but may not have programmed before.
Squeak Squeak is a modern, open source full-featured implementation of the powerful Smalltalk programming language and environment.