After 20+ years of computers I finally broke down and got a Mac at work to replace my crappy Windows 10 machine. Keeping notes here of things I learn…
Swap cntl and option key - this maps more similar to windows and an ext usb keyboard
Tweak Parallels settings for
Set DefaultKeyBinding to fix home/end key functionality and mimic Windows (add this file to /Users/jpriest/Library/KeyBindings)
Set keyboard shortcut to open apps with Automator
Automate start / shutoff time in system preferences to avoid having to touch laptop to start / stop (when it's under desk)
Install Caffiene to prevent computer from going to sleep
Alfred for launcher
CopyQ for clipboard (cross platform)
Homebrew for package mgr (apt)
iTerm2 - terminal
aText - has some of same functionality as AutoHotKey
SteerMouse - allows you to program mouse buttons
/home/thecrumb/ · Last modified: 2019/08/06 23:19 by thecrumb